Seafood is actually far more versatile than many people realize. Its had a bad rap for years as being hard to cook when in all reality, it’s not any more difficult than cooking a steak to your preferred doneness. There are many types of fish, a taste and texture for everyone. One of the great things about fish is you can cook it from frozen! Yes, you can actually cook a delicious, healthy meal from frozen and have it taste great.

Cooking from frozen means you have options; after that long day in the office or running after kids, or maybe you had classes late and the last thing you want to do is spend hours in the kitchen prepping and cooking dinner, but you also don’t want to eat out. That’s when you grab a frozen salmon fillet out of your freezer. Be sure and keep individually wrapped portions in your freezer for quick, healthy meal options. The next time you are hungry for seafood or need a quick meal option, try cooking from frozen!

The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute has an entire section devoted to Cooking It From Frozen on their website. Basically any method you can think of; broil, grill, poach, steam, sauté, they have directions for how to cook from frozen. Head to their website and check out their great tips. You’ll be happy you did!

Morey’s offers individually vacuum packed portions that are ready to cook from thawed or frozen. Both thawed and frozen directions are provided on the package for multiple cooking methods so you have options. I love options! Variety in specie, flavors and cooking methods makes Morey’s products a must have.  Whether Morey’s or maybe you like to marinade and season your own fillets, make sure you make seafood a staple in your freezer, that way the next time you are in a rush or simply don’t feel like spending hours in the kitchen, grab a salmon fillet or whatever seafood you have and give cooking from frozen a try.

The important thing to remember is that seafood is done when it reaches an internal temperature of 145 degrees farenheigt. Like a steak, remove it from heat just before you reach your desired temperature and let it rest and finish cooking for a couple minutes before enjoying, this will ensure a perfectly cooked piece of fish.